Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Happy belated Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful holiday---anytime we have 4 vacation days together can't help but be wonderful! (I actually had 5...heehee...gotta love the church office!)

We spent Thanksgiving with my family, up at my grandma's house with friends and relatives. And good food. I've discovered one of the sad parts about not being at home anymore is that there is no pumpkin pie for breakfast the next day...and the day after that. (I know, I could make my own!) Tyler and I slept in every morning and had leisurely and yummy, although pumpkin pie-less, breakfasts.

On Friday we literally spent almost the whole day just hanging out together at home--watching movies and playing with his birthday present and talking, laughing, and cuddling by the fire. (It was COLD!) We haven't had a day like that in a long time, so it was so much fun to just chill together. Later on we went to my parents and hung out and tried out their hot tub---brrr...getting out of it in freezing weather is um, freezing.

On Saturday we went and did some shopping and then spent the evening with Jordan and Elmarie, who have become so addicted to the Wii that they call just to see if they can come play. All of us have sore right arms after playing all weekend. Oh, and I've discovered a game that I can beat Ty in---bowling. He doesn't bowl anymore. ;-) We also went Christmas shopping with them and Ty taught Jord how Crate and Barrel is a cool store. Then we got ice cream and a movie.

Sunday was church--I worked and Ty drummed so no sleeping in for us. Then we went and watched the Bronco's game...the disappointing Broncos game...at my parents, because our cable wasn't working. Oh---and Sunday was Erin's birthday! Happy Birthday! While Erin was out celebrating her day we got to talk to Vi on the webcam while she was being babysat. Well, we got to see and hear her and she got to look at us---our sound was all messed up and so our voices sounded like lions...or demons. Not the greatest way to impress your niece, but she didn't seem to mind. She's such a cutie! And then we finished our weekend with more video games with Jord and El...yes...more. (Speaking of more, we also had more ice cream--Elmarie is a firm believer in ice cream even when its cold outside.) We're all rather competitive so we can't stop playing once we start cause no one wants to end the loser. Our neighbors probably wonder what we are doing as we yell at each other and jump and stomp. Oh well, good times. Good memories.

Thanksgiving has officially put me in the Christmas-y mood. I was singing Christmas carols to Tyler last night---oh, and didn't he love that! ;-) I can't wait to go to Texas and see everyone and play with V and wear short sleeved shirts! Less than a month to go!


meg said...

i dunno about short sleeves mel- it's been FREEZING here too. not snowy cold, but still, you have to bundle up to walk around INSIDE the house. who knows tho- these things leave us so fast, by december it might be time to pull the slip and slide back out again. i know you'll probably want to "reconnect" with out backyard now that the nail has grown back in ;)

Mindy said...

Meggie dearest, that may be quite true. But I just have to remind you that what is cold to you isn't quite so cold to us. And that last Thanksgiving you told me to bring sweaters and I ended up wearing t-shirts and flip flops while you wore your sweaters. But we shall see...