Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life Lately...

Umm...I've been pretty sick for the past week or so, but I'm getting better now. (And no, people, it wasn't a baby that was making me sick. Sorry to disappoint you!) I'm excited to be feeling better and be able to do things again. I was getting pretty sick of laying on the couch and watching "America's Next Best Dance Crew" all day...which is actually a pretty cool show, but going out and living life is much more interesting and productive! Tyler's been the sweetest boy, taking care of me and the house. I love him...he's the best!

Speaking of houses, we are looking toward buying one in the next few months. We've been looking for several months already and it's been, well...interesting. It isn't quite as fun as I thought it would be, but it's been an adventure. It kind of reminds me of having crushes before I was married. Like you "fall for" a house but you want to "guard your heart" and not start picking out the paint colors and planning a garden for the backyard, because you don't know if it's going to work out or if someone else will buy it and don't want to get "heartbroken", but in the back of your mind you really, really want that house! (And yes, right now I have a crush on a house. We both do. So I'm having lots of opportunities to trust God!) We hope to have one by July, when the lease for our apartment is up. So, keep us in your prayers. We could sure use wisdom in making such a big decision and there's a lot of temptation to anxiety and stress when house-hunting and buying. (And you could also pray that we get the house I love! Hehe ;-) It's an exciting adventure to have together! I'll keep you all posted on anything big that happens.

In other news, I'm heading off to the great big state of Texas on Saturday. I'm excited to see everyone there and celebrate Meggo's birthday. We're going to have such great adventures! Tyler is excited to play video games and eat pizza all week...hmmm. I'm sure he'll actually spend the whole time sitting and pining for me. Or something like that...

Well, that's it for now...


Nettester71 said...

house hunting is more fun that trying to sell and house and then buy, but there is a lot of questions that run through your mind, that is for sure.

I will be praying for you both as you seek to find the right home for you.

Judy said...

House hunting... Ugh. Stressful I say. Have fun though! :) I hope you get the house you fall for.

Judy said...

Oh, glad you're feeling better too. Being sick isn't all that grand even if you do get to lie on the couch all day & watch The Cosby Show, Tyra & The Price is Right... It's only fun for the first few days & it actually isn't really even fun, because you're sick!

Jen said...


You should contact HGTV and see if you can get on their show My First Place. They decorate a room in your house for you... and they are always Denver houses so I know they are in the area. How fun would that be!!!