Although usually you'd be reading the thoughts of my seester who is an exceptional writer, but she is currently undergoing writers-block. Poor thingy.
So to relieve her from her worrying that "the blog must go on" that she is suffering from, i (megan) am stepping in.
I am not a writer. I don't have elaborate ideas in my head screaming to get out on paper. I am not a blogger. I check a few blogs, yes, but admit i do not read unless there are pictures. So this is more of a ramble with lots of photos to talk for me. Today i've decided to ramble about mindy..or "melwood" as we call her in private. So let's begin: Facts you may not know about mel? She has arachnophobia. You can say a lot of people do because most don't like spiders, but this girl is truly ill with the disease. Just watching the movie Spider-man was a near-death experience for her.
Mindy is very creative. For instance, one evening, her pj pants that she was wearing ripped. Instead of sadly throwing them away, she invented a head garment for us that um.. well truly brought us closer together
Did you know that Mindy's first real job was at Panera Bakery?
Most of the time i've known mindy has been during her single years. She's grown in many ways, such as dancing.. from a bad dancer, to only being able to do her "bunny hop", to inspiring us with new moves, she knows how to break it down.
Mel and i now share almost everything. Family, memories, whole costco cakes, and the actual plates our cake goes on (notice the ripped paper plate)
addictions to "feathers!!"
and now.. the blog??
All in all, mindy is a huge part of my life and holds a part in all my best memories.
Annie, i hope your mental issues are only temporary so you can come back on here and share about Alisa Mary Marriot and your genius works of literature. I love you sooo much and am glad you're stuck with me for life.
theend. -meg
love it. This confirms Megan's need for a blog. Pictures and comments only.
i agree. meg needs a blog...and i also agree pics and comments only. are quite quite funny!
Good job, Meg! And I am glad Min is stuck w/ you for life too! :)
love you, girl!
YES meg you need a blog! this was so so funny!!
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