Thursday, November 20, 2008

My boy's birthday...

Today is my love's 26th birthday...

I had lots of special plans for today, but last night came down with the stomach flu very suddenly. So, my plans probably aren't going to happen. I don't think going out to the expensive restaurant I saved up for is smart when the idea of food is stomach-turning right now. But it's he graciously reminded me, there's always a different day. And God is Sovereign.  

Plus when it comes down to it, birthdays for me aren't about the presents and parties as much as just a reminder to appreciate the blessing that God has given me in that person. (Which is something I should do every day, but anniversaries of "life-moments" always give me an extra reason.) And so his birthday is especially special, being that he is my favorite person in the whole entire world! (Sorry everyone else...)

I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am that God has given me the gift of Tyler for my husband. He is such a kind, godly, funny, handsome, hard-working, serving, loving, generous, leading, thoughtful--and lots more words---man. Lately I've been struck with just how great a blessing it is to share a life with my best friend. I get to spend every day with my favorite person. He is the first one I want to talk to when I'm having a bad day or the best day ever. If I'm mad or sad or glad. I can tell him my dreams and secrets and act silly and not be worried about looking stupid in front of him, because he loves me in spite of it. (And sometimes for it!) As Ingrid Michaelson sings, and I paraphrase, "He takes me the way I am." He forgives me every time I sin against him. Even when I'm mad at him, he's still the one I want to hold me and dry my tears. He is always the first to apologize, even if I started it. He cares for me in every way, from checking out the imaginary noises downstairs, to running errands, to correcting me and encouraging me. His passion for God inspires me and is an example to me. He is constantly leading me in trusting God and seeking to glorify Him. And he makes me laugh every single day. I still look at him sometimes and can't believe he's mine. But I'm so grateful that he is, because I couldn't imagine my world without him.

Anyway, this birthday may not be going the way I planned, but God-willing, there will be other birthdays. And in spite of being sick, I still get to celebrate with the handsome birthday boy-even if it's just laying on the couch eating cereal together.

Happy Birthday baby, I love you so much!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Happy Birthday T!

Great way to honor your boy Mindy! Sorry you're sick! =0( Hope you feel better soon!