Sunday, July 12, 2009

A camping we did go...Part 1

We just got home from a camping trip--probably one of the most eventful trips I've ever had. It all began on Thursday afternoon...

The plan was for Jen, Casey, Ty and I to drive up to Redstone, CO to camp where the TGS did last year

We started with great enthusiasm...

Which waned a bit, as we were met with problem after problem. First of all, we were driving through the mountains, not even to Idaho Springs, when our tent all the sudden just jumped off the roof of the car--to which it had been tied--and was promptly run over by like 5 cars. We actually all found the situation completely hilarious and proceeded to laugh about it all the way to Silverthorne, where we stopped to buy a new tent.

Almost immediately, we were met with car trouble, which proceeded to get worse, rather than improve with resting the car, adding fluids, etc. Eventually we ended up stranded in the Walmart parking lot in Frisco with a smoking car. Tyler determined that we couldn't continue, or drive the car home and arranged to have it towed. We looked into getting a rental car, but there were none to be had. 

So, we concluded that we weren't going to make it to Redstone and called my mom to rescue us. (She's our hero--driving all the way up there to get us and all our stuff!) We waited for an hour or so in Starbucks and then were saved and headed back home to think of a new plan for the next day.

To be continued...

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