Friday, November 11, 2011

A snippet of my day + bonus Liam...

I will have a birth story, with all the gory details (cause what's a good story without such things?) here soon. I just have to keep my brain straight long enough to finish writing it. I forgot how much these weird hormones mess with you after birth. I've been having hot flashes like I'm 54, not 24. I have a new compassion for menopausal women.

I wrote this semi-long post on my phone the other day all about Liam and how I love snuggling him and how he sleeps right on my chest every night and how I love co-sleeping with my babies and other nice things and then the screen flashed and the app closed and poof, it was all gone!

So, instead, you get this little story that I texted a couple of my fambly members and my BFF earlier today:

I just chased one child across a half acre to keep him from going to get the "mall" (mail) while nursing the other child. Without flashing anyone. There should be some kind of prize for things like that.

And because we all love cute babies, here you go:

This little guy is already lifting his head up and pushing with his arms! He's also seeming roll-y. And he now weighs 9lbs and grew an inch since birth. Stop growing up! (isn't his pointy hairline cute?)

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Grace Ann said...

aww so cute! What color is his hair?