Dustin has always been not just a brother, but a friend. I have so many memories of growing up and playing "house" with him (he was the dad or brother who went hunting the whole time and occasionally returned to "punish" my dolls), having adventures in our backyard with him, riding bikes, telling Jen she was adopted...oh yes, we had fun!
Of course, he naturally had his annoying little brother moments--he found great joy in chasing me with spiders, or mice, or roosters. He loved telling me and my friends "random falsehoods" as MB calls them, like "Mindy, while you were at Meg's house, Dad gave me your room." to try and make me react. (To which I usually did) Messing up my forts and eating all the food for my tea parties, and probably most aggravating to me, refusing to be "the boy" in my plays. (Cause then Jenny would have to be it!) I love that we have all these memories of the silly and annoying things he used to do to make us girls scream, and yet, now that he is all grown up, those same friends of mine are some of his best friends.

Dustin is the sort of person, where if you meet him, you'd probably think he was a very nice, polite young man. But he's the most fun when you get to know him and he loosens up. He can be really crazy and goofy. He loves going on adventures and laughing. He likes to sing and dance--one of my favorite moments in our limo after our wedding is when he did a dance solo to the song "Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me." He's fun! He's also such a hard worker and always has been. Before my wedding, he was determined that our backyard look perfect for the reception and spent alot of time mowing and trimming and making sure it was as green and groomed as it possibly could be!
One thing I really love is he and Tyler are such good friends. In fact, now I find out what's going on with Dustin from Tyler more than I hear it from Dustin himself! It must be that "manly
But...my most favorite memory ever with Dustin is when I said goodbye to him as I was leaving my wedding. He came up and gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. (If you know him, you know that this is like a miracle of the Lord) And then he told me that he loved me and that if I ever needed anything that I just had to call and he would be there. And that if Tyler was ever wasn't good to me, he'd kick his butt! Nothing like the threat of violence against your husband to make you get teary and sentimental--and I did!
I love my brother so much and am so grateful for the blessing he is in my life! I know that the Lord has great and amazing plans for his future and can't wait to see them unfold. Hee hee...and if there are any single girls his age out there...he's a catch! Oh, and he thinks he's an Abercrombie model. Yeah, that's all!
Dustin---if you read this, I'm sorry it embarrassed you. I'm sure someday, like after I'm dead, you'll find it heartwarming and tear invoking.
the mother is bawling....
mel that's SO sweet. i love dustin- he's such a cool guy, er, Bilil.
my favorite story i ever heard about him was that when he was little he talked to jenny and helped her pray the sinners prayer :) he's so sweet. good job honoring him
...crying..we love Dustin too! Such a good friend to many!
I would like to get in on the beating up of Tyler. Very sweet, mindy loo hoo.
So sweet...as I was reading this I was just kept thinking about my brother. What a wonderful tribute to Dustin! Aren't "little"(but taller!) brothers the best!
hey mindy...
how are you doing?
tell Dustin Happy Birthday
im very sad that you didnt write anything blogs about me. now thats out of the way.. i never ever belived you that i was not part of this family.... yes i was always the boy
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