...back before there were ever boys, or full-time jobs, or full-time school, or foreign countries like Italy and Texas, or bills to pay, or meals to cook, or illnesses to fight, or tests to study for...back when we could spend whole weekends just being silly and spending $30 on ice cream, 4 cheese cheeseums, pudding, and other junk and eating it all--without feeling sick or foolish. Back when we could stay up till 5 am--except for MB, who had to take a nap---and fight with coat hangers and lint rollers and dance around dark living rooms with down comforters for ball gowns and make late-night pickle raids on the pantry. And we woke up the next day, not sore or tired. And no one had to leave early to go to work. Back when people--aka Tyler and Jordan--used to call us the Teen Girl Squad. Back when every Friday was a party of a different theme. Back when we'd call each other at 2 am cause we were bored and talk on the phone for hours. Back when we thought we were so grown-up. Back when we all lived so close and saw each other nearly every day...

...back when we used to imagine for hours what we'd do when we grew up and who we'd marry and what it would be like to go on a date, or decorate a house, or travel the world. I wouldn't trade where I am today for anything. But sometimes, especially lately, I miss those days ..mainly 'cause I miss those friends. I can't wait for our next time to all be together again and dance, sing, laugh, eat and have a wonderful old time. I love you girls, my TGS, and I'm so thankful for the memories we have and the ones that we have yet to make! Gosh...another sentimental blog...I promise the next one will be about my exciting and fantastical life.
but this IS exciting and fantabulous!
good post mel- one of the best. tgs rules the world and we have the best stories ever.
hattie and i talked yesterday about having a yearly tradition of reuniting the tgs- a tgs reunion! something fun and amazing and time to step away from life, school, work, kids, (oh wait, is that not public yet?) ;)
and good picture choice- i love that one of cowboy marrying princess, with mb as the pope and britt the jealous bridesmaid!
love you
you are not the only one who misses those days! But, I love this season with you girls too! XOXOX, Mom
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