Friday, August 15, 2008

A Misty, Moisty Morning...

Don't you just love alliteration? ;-) Ok people, I guess there's going to be a weather-related blogging trend today for those in my fambly. Sorry about really should read Callie's post instead of mine, cause she relates the weather to God's goodness...I'm just here to whine and be random. (Though I do agree with her, minus the wanting fall part!)

Anyhow, I just wanted to share the strange thing that is going on today in the wonderful world of Colorado. It is 50 degrees! And unless we fast-forwarded in time a bit, I think it's only August 15th! Weird. Aren't these supposed to be the scorching days of summer? Why am I wearing a sweatshirt?

If you haven't guessed, I'm very much a summer girl. If it were possible, I'd hibernate for a large part of the winter. But anyhow. Once I get over my initial shock of feeling cold, I have to admit, it's rather nice to have a little change once and awhile. (And it's supposed to warm up again next week, so I think I can deal for now.) It actually was rather pretty this morning, in a rainy sort of way. (People who were born in Washington State are required to have a small appreciation for rain.) But, I'd have to say, my favorite part of the weather is that I got to listen to rainy day music. Mine is a playlist heavy on Coldplay, John Mayer, Radiohead, and other chill and cozy sorts of artists. So, rainy and cold weather, you can visit for a bit, but I still want the rest of my summer...fall can wait it's turn!

Do you have rainy day music? What is it?

1 comment:

meg said...

norah jones was always my denver rainy day music.

now adays my recommended rain music would have to be yael naim, feist, damien rice and i agree with coldplay. cannot go wrong.

(ps- i found someone you may like..altho you don't often like my music. but try out rachel yamagata and let me know)