Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weekend Project...

I love so many things about my new kitchen, including all the storage. But the one thing I wasn't loving about the cupboards is that my glasses picked up this wood-ish smell from resting on the wood inside. I don't know about you, but I don't like the thing I'm drinking out of to smell like anything other than my beverage! So, I had been just been thinking that I should start looking for a solution when I discovered this really cute shelf paper at Target--for $5.99 a roll! (I love Target for so many reasons!) 

It is wipeable and sticks on, but isn't like a permanent thing (meaning easy to remove if you want to change it). When applying it I kept messing up and having to un-stick it and it came off and went back on really easily.  They had a couple other patterns there too, if anyone is looking for a way to brighten up their cupboards and drawers. I love the way it makes my cupboards look--I keep opening them to take a peek cause it makes me smile!

I've only done a few cupboard and drawers so far, but I'm working on doing the rest!

1 comment:

erin said...

Ooooo, like it! These would probably look nice in my kitchen, hmmmm.