- You jump at every crazy scheme I think of, as if it's the best thing ever. (Making it look like someone peed in MB's truck bed, being Harry Potter mega-fans then leaving, dressing up like boys--or old grandma's in Target, dancing with trains, having skewer fights in your house...and more and more.)
- You have round, gumball-shaped toes.
- You stink at Twister.
- You and I always find delight in the random little things, like miniature churches, or taking pictures with unusual...or usual things.
- I have more pictures of you than anyone else ever. Cause you looove getting your picture taken and sometimes join in to them uninvited.
- You love the Lord and desire to live life for Him.You talk about what you are learning, and are humble and open about what is going on.
- You were my NW. We Zondervank. And are foreign immigrants. And climb walls. And are the Romanian Scooter Team. Hail Ghost Caroline!
- You are my personal fashion consultant, source for closet-shopping, occasional arm or leg-waxer, champion thrifting partner, opinion-giver, and boring day-lifter.
- We have so many songs we love to belt out, dance to, and do our car interpretive-dance-arm-motions to...and you don't care when people laugh at it.
- We are the bestest dance partners ever...especially after the last wedding.
- You are my maid of Scandalous Tidings...and therefore understand my swimsuit and cute underwear obsession.
- Food. All sorts, all the time. (so long as we aren't looking in your pantry...) And you are never ashamed to go back for seconds with me...or thirds.
- You make me laugh so hard I fall on the floor.
- You love people--all of them. You teach me not to judge others just cause they seem awkward or different. You always find something to talk about or something to do with anyone.
- You help clean up the dishes...and it's your pet peeve.
- You are my favorite (non-Tyler) sleeping partner cause you cuddle with me...and you are really funny when you're tired.
- You tell the most interesting stories. And have the most interesting experiences.
- You are a terrible driver and make me carsick. (But improving...)
- You give me free Starbucks, nearly every time!
- You just understand... And I can talk about anything in life with you.
- You mooch backrubs.
- I could go on and on...life with you is just too much fun!
Two and a half days...
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