Monday, May 09, 2011

My one year old...

I can't believe today Jack is one. This year has flown by so fast. I'm trying to learn to cherish every little moment as I know the years will only continue to move faster as he grows. He is such an amazing little gift to us. Sometimes I still can't believe this is my kid! And yet it's so weird to think that I only met him and held him for the first time a year ago and how much he has grown and changed in so short a time. This has most certainly been the best year of our lives and we are so thankful that God has given us this incredible little man as our very own!

I decided to copy my sis-in-law's tradition of taking a photo right when they wake up on their birthday.

This is him saying, "What the heck are you doing Mom? Get me out of this bed!" Poor kid has a bad cold--it's a fambly affair---and so he really didn't feel all that great today. Mom and Dad felt gross too--bad enough for Ty to stay home from work---so we didn't do anything super exciting. But we have a little birthday party with his buddy next weekend, so that's when we're really celebrating.

I did make him some birfday pancakes with strawberries. I tried to be all festive and put a candle in them, but Jack was unimpressed with how I was waving his breakfast in front of him without him getting to eat it, so we didn't even get to light it.

(Yes, he eats a lot. He's a skinny boy despite all that food.)

He had a little gift-opening session after Mother's Day dinner yesterday. He also had his first ice cream, which I wish I had pictures of. I put a scoop on his tray and thought he'd poke at it. We looked away for a minute and when we looked back the entire scoop was gone---in his mouth! He started crying and spit it out and then put it back in and started crying again. We were dying laughing. He loved it but hated the cold.

He has become such a fun little person. He loves balls, cars, and skateboards. He is trying to figure out using forks and spoons. He sings little gibberish songs and loves to dance and clap to music. He has a "food dance" he does in his highchair. Every time he takes a bite of something he goes "Mmmmmm!" Playing outside is his favorite and he loves to follow the dogs around in my parents' yard and try to play in their water bowl. He says "Mom/Mama", "Dad/Dada", "Nen/Nenny", "Dut" (Dustin), "Bah" (Ball), "Daah" (Dog), "Dat" (Cat), "Buhbuh" (Bye-bye), "Dots" (Clocks), "Ah-du" (All done), and a few more that I'm probably forgetting. He loves to talk and babble. I think he gets that from me! He makes a zooming sound for his cars that is so cute. He is also thisclose to walking, just seems to lack the desire. It seems like every day he learns something new!

I love you, my one year old boy! I am so grateful that I get to be your Mommy! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Jack! This year has gone so fast, and I can't believe how much you have changed. We are so excited to celebrate with you next weekend.