Saturday, August 13, 2011


Yesterday evening, after cleaning up from a yummy dinner made by T and baking some brownies, I sat back to relax and thought about the low-key weekend we had ahead of us. That changed when a bit after midnight I discovered I was bleeding. My midwife wanted me to come to the hospital, so as soon as my sister arrived to be with sleeping Jack, off we went. I was so freaked out---I was fighting off the urge to faint and shaking. I was so afraid my little guy would be born that night---at 29 weeks. Way too early. Tyler did an amazing job of keeping me calm and reminding me that God was in control. It was one of those times where you just keep praying in your head the same things over and over and over.

We ended up spending the night at the hospital. Baby was perfectly fine and healthy and kept kicking at all the monitors strapped to my stomach. I was having mild (so mild I didn't always even know I was having them) contractions steadily every two minutes or so. I had dilated a bit past one and they couldn't tell how effaced without doing an ultrasound. (which I'm having on Monday.) I also got a positive on a preterm labor test. (though it could be a false positive, so I'll have that test again Monday too.) Since my contractions wouldn't stop even after rest and iv fluids, I got three rounds if turbutoline (spell?) which slowed them down but also made me feel like I was having a weird drug trip. I really hope not to have to have it again!

I was released late this morning with orders to stay in bed and drink enormous amounts of water until Monday when I'll have more tests and they'll decide what we need to do after that.

We'd appreciate your prayers--especially that I don't start bleeding again or have an increase in contractions which would send me back to the hospital. Right now whenever I get out of bed I get contractions and a few while resting so we are praying that those settle down. And of course for wisdom for the doctors. Please also pray for Tyler especially and Jack. Ty's taking care of me and a one year old who isn't super thrilled about Mommy in bed and his routine thrown off. I have the best husband--he's so kind and patient. But I know he is also very tired from all this! Thanks for praying! The most important thing in all this is that our baby would stay safe and snug inside for at least 6-10 more weeks, so we will do all we can to help that! We are grateful to know that our loving Father has a plan and purpose for all these things and cares for our baby even more than we do. It's good to be able to rest in that.

I'll update after we get more information. For now, I'm thankful for Netflix as I spend lots of time in bed!

-- Post From My iPhone


Diane said...

I am praying often for you and Liam. God is in control and ever so faithful. Rest and trust. xoooxooxxox

Tess Bush said...

Praying for you Mindy! Be at peace and try to enjoy the rest!