Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An email to my sister...

I once read a how-to-blog post by the famous Pioneer Woman and in it, she said that she writes her blog posts as though she were writing a email to her sister.

I happen to email my sister several times a week, even though she lives four blocks away. I send her things I want her to bake, which is odd because she doesn't bake. I send her funny pictures and articles and things I find on Pinterest and Groupons she should buy and ugly, old pictures from our childhood and every so often, a picture of Colin Firth, because she loves him. And I send her random snippets of conversations that amused me.

Like this one:

To: Jenny Lawler
From: Melinda Shaw

Conversation that is real...

Ty and I, a few minutes ago.

M: so when I was washing my face, I remembered that last night I dreamed I had a mustache. A mustache. It was horrible. And the worst part is that I didn't know I had one. Like I went to wash my face at the end of the day and looked in the mirror and I had a mustache! Isn't that horrible?

T: horrible.

M: and all I could think of is how I was walking around and talking to people all day and no one told me I had a mustache. It was like food in your teeth, only facial hair.

T: you had facial hair on your teeth?

M: no. I had a mustache. On my face.

T: oh.

M: it was so embarrassing. That no one told me. If I had a mustache, would you tell me?

T: probably not.

M: What!?!? Why?!?

T: it would be funnier that way.

M: no that is mean. You must promise to always tell me if I ever have a mustache.

T: ok.

M: did you ever think your wife would say that? I never imagined myself saying that. What an odd phrase to say. Isn't being married to me interesting?

T: oh, it's interesting.

M: sometimes I wish I could be married to me just to experience the joy you must have.

T: oh, yes, joy...

The end.

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