Monday, June 04, 2012

Tidbits from recently...

(The pictures are completely random.)

I am already missing my sister. She's only been in Fiji for a day, but I miss her. My parents' house has an empty space without her. And the girls are way outnumbered. I stayed up late Saturday night texting her until she took off from LA. And she emailed me when she got there to tell us all that she made it. I'm just hoping her Internet situation allows us to text or talk decently often. It's going to be a long time till October without her! But God is already doing cool things with her--I'm excited to see how He uses this trip in her life!

Speaking of God doing things, lately I am having a hard time sitting back and letting Him do His thing. I keep wanting to jump in and just hurry things up a little! But, learning to trust His timing is good. Not easy, but very good!

Liam has been sleeping through the night most nights. It is wonderful. He also started having some rice puffs while we eat and thinks they are pretty cool but would really love of we'd pass him some of that tasty-looking stuff the rest of us are eating. Jack often does try to share and so Liam has also had chips and popcorn and strawberries. Not exactly allergy or choking-friendly but he's still alive.

Jack's new favorite phrase is "what was that?!" He keeps asking to drive my car, so i told him he couldn't until he was big like Uncle Casey. Now he always tries to climb into my seat, saying, "I'm a little bigger now!" And he loves swimming in the kiddie pool. He's got the cutest little farmer's tan going on (he must have his Daddy's skin cause I don't tan!) and so I've been letting him run around shirtless to even it out. Shirtless little boys = adorable.

And, to conclude, a story. The other night, we were sitting on the couch, having just finished a family movie evening, when we heard the distant sound of bagpipes. So then we went outside and snooped around and realized it was coming from the church parking lot behind us. So then we spied through our window and saw that there was a bagpiper and a drummer standing in the parking lot, playing in kilts. Then Tyler realized that the bagpiper was his secretary from his old job's husband. Randomest thing ever.

...Except for maybe this post.

1 comment:

Callie said...

The shoes! And Annie and I cracked up at the picture of the boys in the shopping cart. Jack looks hilarious! We miss you guys.